He is a pastor (if you have ever been a pastor or in the ministry at a small church, you know what this entails.) He is also the youth pastor and due to having to lay off our church administrator, he is also taking on those responsibilities. He is leading the renovations and helping remodel our church. He is in his final year of obtaining his Masters in Biblical Counseling. By the end of March he will have his NANC certification and by December he will have written an entire thesis. He is also a dad and husband and successfully does both of those things and all they entail very well. A lot of people don't understand that if you do ministry right, it can be draining and requires a lot of emotional and mental energy that people who are not in ministry could never possibly understand. In ministry, life isn't about living the american dream, its about serving others and putting their needs above our own. People don't understand how busy we are. On top of all of the things he does, I am the children's ministry director and have my hand in so many other things. So you could imagine how much our family as a whole does and takes on for this ministry. We are very busy and get very little down time. He never complains, and as hard as I try to be like Christ, I am NOT that Godly. My husband is pretty darn near close to perfect!!! Did I mention that I am sooooo proud of him? He is my hero!!!
Last month we were flown back to TX to preach at the church we started our ministry in. He was asked to preach a series on Family. Of course he did amazing!!!! Along with that trip, it allowed us an opportunity to go visit family that we hadn't seen in a while. We were so grateful that the church did that for us, so we could be with our families for Thanksgiving. We love seeing our families and value the time we have with them. As wonderful as it is to visit family, and trust me I'm not being ungrateful, but that does not really give Bubba and I the down time to disconnect and refresh ourselves like we need every now and then. That "vacation" was part work and the rest draining. We traveled most of the time and Bliss and Trin were troopers the entire way....its not easy for them either. TX is very large and our family is spread out across it. We never know when we will be back again, so each time we come in, we try to see everyone because its hard for everyone else to come see us. We have to squeeze every ounce of time we have and try to see everyone in a very small time frame. That means waking up at 5am to be on the road most mornings. This leaves us on the road for most of our travels. 9 hours in a car in just one day is not the most exciting way to spend your vacation when you are already fried and burned out from the duties that life and ministry hand you. We love our family, which is why we try so hard to meet them all but it is exhausting to come back from a "vacation" in TX.
So we asked if we could borrow some of our vacation time for next year. We absolutely LOVE this place in Wisconsin Dells called Chula Vista. Its a water park, but is very adult friendly. A massive hot tub and all inclusive food and drinks and a room for two nights=heaven for us! We just sleep, eat, and watch movies the entire time. It's exactly what we need to help get our minds off of anything and everything. We got a great deal and the church gives us a little budget for some down time with eat other once a year. Although I feel like we need it more frequently because ministry is so draining, I am so grateful to the church for that. What a wonderful benefit! God really takes care of us and I am so thankful to our church for allowing us to take this time off.
Here is a picture of what I am enjoying right now as I write this blog...

I hope you all Have a Merry Christmas!!! I know we will...and we will be nice and refreshed for the new year!!!
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