We went to the dollar store today and each girl picked out a little toy under $1. Trinity chose a slinky and Arabella chose a Barbie. Let me tell you that Trinity played with that slinky the entire time that we were in that store. It kept her occupied and she treasured it, no one could take that thing away from her.
When we got home T sat it down and walked away and A decided that it was fair game. She jumped on the opportunity and wisked it away to only just a few moments later come back to me and ask me to untangle it. She was careless and rough with it and became all jumbled up.
As she watched me struggle to try and get it fixed she said, "Wait Mommy...I'll be right back." She ran off and came back with the hair detangler that I use on the girls hair when it gets knots in it. She said "Here mommy, maybe this will work."
After reflecting on how funny this was, I was thinking about how Slinky's are so much like life. They have a pattern and a design to them and when they are working how we want them to work, they effortlessly take their journey with flow and positive movement. Until some obstacle comes along and its gets tangled.
All it takes is one careless person to hurt us or one bad event to stop us in our tracks. When we get tangled up and out of sync with God and we loose our effectiveness and the purpose of what we have set out to do.
All too often I have experienced this in my life. I get hurt and I withdraw myself therefore loosing my positive flow of motion. If only there were some magic spray that could fix things right away just like nothing ever happened. It's not until I can become untangled that I begin to change into being what I am supposed to be. I often forget that God allows those obstacles so that I can become more like Him. It's in those tangled and knotted moments that I am constantly given an opportunity to search for my Master and allow myself to be clay and God to be the Potter.
No matter how alone I feel in the entanglement of life, I will never truly be alone. God has promised me that! He is in control and he knows my heart.
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