
Friday, August 12, 2011

The one about Healing...

I have a friend who starts her blogs with "The one about..." and I love it so I am stealing it. Now I don't have to spend more time thinking about a title than I do writing my blog.

So I bought a journal today and I am hoping to start writing down my deep and personal thoughts and feelings each night before bed. It seems like there are so many things going on with my life right now and I think it would really be good get them on paper before I read my Bible so that I don't have to keep asking myself, "Haven't I already struggled with this before???"

I also reactivated my facebook account and I feel pretty good about it. My dad got an account and I also have a very dear friend who is moving who is on it daily and I feel like there are just too many people I need to start interacting with again.

Something that's been on my heart is that people are hard and tough and surprising. I am learning that there are some people who I thought I knew, that I really don't. Now I know how Christ feels everyday when we only want a relationship with Him when it's convenient for us. The difference is that His heart is not sinful and mine is...I don't come out of it as pretty as He does!!!

The Lord is teaching me grace, and restraint, and healing right now. I am learning who I am Christ more everyday.

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