It started out really great!!! Infact, my week started out really great! On Sunday a friend at church handed me a $50 gift card to go have my hair done. Her daughter does hair, so she had no use for it and she gave it to little ole me! What a blessing she is to my heart and she is from the south, so she could literally be my grandma! Love her! On top of that I won a $40 gift card to a Salon in the same building at a silent Auction for $10 so the free bucks were really perking me up considering things have been tight lately. Im' not complaining or fishing for freebies, it's just where we are in life and its a reality and makes my life interesting.
So yesterday begins a little strange at about 2 am when something, a deer I think, hits the side of our house so hard that our windows rattled. Bubba actually jumped up and grabbed the gun, which is always my first move and instinct, but he did it this time and that was pretty rare. His natural instinct when there could potentially be danger includs snoring louder to ward off threats. Not this time...He thought someone might have been breaking into our shed, (which would be really rare out here) but we now think a deer slipped on the rocky slope next to our house or something. Turns out no big deal.
So now we are in what is called Monday. I got to go get my hair done, after dropping Bliss off at school. This was planned before the gift card was given, so I didn't have to use the gift card on my hair I get to save it to go get the really cool expensive products.:)
As an added note, getting my hair done is a blessing for me because I am the type of person who refuses/can't pay $200 to go have my hair done. I usually try to do it myself, but there is only so much you can do to your own hair. So in the last almost three years, it has only been cut twice and fried a couple of times. I love doing people's hair and love even more doing it for them for free. It's a ministry to me and It's fun helping women feel pretty! I would love to go to cosmetology school and get more training, but for now, I will continue to use people as my guinea pigs. So I have been praying for the Lord to send me someone who I can exchange hair services with and can train me a little. SO low and behold if God hasn't answered that prayer. I have a new friend and guess what she does....Yay me...Yay God! SO I got to have a morning to myself while my hubby watched Trinity so I could go be pampered.
After that I went to the bank to close an old checking account. The banker walked away and came and handed me $37 cash and said here are your funds. I didn't know I had money in that account?!? What a special treat!!! So I called my hubby and said...guess what...I am $37 richer and I can help you pay some bills with it, or even better I can go get Bliss from school and take her on that Mommy daughter date we have been wanting to go on! ( he had a choice!) ;) So I go get Bliss from School and we head to none other than the mall to go get our toenails done. WAHOOO! You should have heard her scream when I told her we were going to go on a Mommy and Me date!
Before we stop there we had a whopping $15 in gift cards to target and it was burning a hole in my purse. I was saving it for such an occasion and considering the fact that I was in terrible need for some clothes and finally the girls were okay on their supply, we went shopping FOR MOMMY!!! :) I was able to purchase a skirt, shirt, bra, and flip flops for $1.07 out of my pocket...praise Jesus! I love when things like that happen!
So we are now at the mall eating our favorite pretzels and getting Arabella's first pedicure. It was also my first pedicure in aprox 5 years so it felt as if it were my first too. Can you sense the excitement? Bliss was so cute...she kept giggling at random because it tickled and she didn't want to embarrass herself because there was a cute little Asian boy sitting across the room. We had a lovely time and our nails look adorable!

As we are leaving the salon at aprox 6:30 pm and heading down the mall for a joyful little stroll and window shopping I get a phone call from Bubba freaking out telling me that Trinity was playing outside and had been bitten by a mole. A WHAT? A MOLE?!?! She was bleeding pretty bad, and he didn't know what to do. So he killed the mole and bagged it up and had been soaking her hand in peroxide for 10 minutes. Now considering the fact that I had never seen a mole before, I was a little freaked out. I was picturing this huge critter. I head home and called everyone in the world possible trying to figure out what we should do and if we should be concerned about rabies or some kind of crazy infection but apparently this has never happened in the history of Janesville, so no one could give me suggestions.(By the way, never rely on google when your child is bitten by a small rodent...they will have you believing that you will end up with rabies, rat fever, the plague and that you will be dead in less than 7 days all the mean while your fingers start falling off one by one! Rediculous seriously!) It was like a bad Halloween Movie at our home last night.
The Pedi told me to call the Vet office, the Vet office told me to call the Health Dept, the Health Dept transferred me to cops....the who? the cops? Really! Are you going to cuff the dead mole rat at lock it in a jail cell and post it for bail? I don't think the cops were humored by my curiosity!
So I am home now and I walk through the door to see this dead varment sitting on my counter in a tiny plastic ziplock bag. It's stinkin smaller than a mouse...I mean tiny yall! You know there are zippy bags that fit sandwiches and zippy bags that fit small could have fit in a small snack zippy it was that tiny! So ugly though and I certainly would not want to be bitten by its four tiny devilish teeth.
By the way Trinity got bit because the dogs were taunting it and she thought it was Mickey Mouse and kept saying over and over "Mickey Mouse bit me!" I had to explain that it was not Mickey Mouse it was a mole that Piper and Lola made angry, so it wasn't the mole's fault...try explaining that to a three year old.
So unsure of what to do and wondering if my child was contracting rabies at that very moment. I take Trin to Urgent Care. So I am at urgent care and paying $30 for some antibiotic cream and a bandaid, yet still begging for something to prevent infection "Just in case" and Bubba calls and says the police officer is on her way to see you at the doctors office and you can't leave until she gets there because she has to contain the rodent. Are you kidding me? So we fill out the blasted "Bite Report" and she hands the bagged shrew or rodent or whatever the devil it was to me and "says well come to find out there is nothing we can do and you will have to take the rodent to the Department of Natural Resources to have it tested. We are not allowed to take an animal if it is wild. You will have to put it in your freezer tonight." Oh man! No words!
So I head to walmart with the dead varment, along with with my hopefully not rabid daughter, and a long awaited and begged for penicillin prescription. The the time is now 8:45 and Urgent Care and Walmart are on opposite ends of town. Wal-Mart pharmacy closes at 9:00. So I haul it to walmart and praise the Lord I make it in time to get the prescription. While we are there Trinity has another separate rather large wound from cutting her foot on the playground at church on Sunday that starts dripping blood everywere. Did I already use the term Halloween Movie because I felt like I was the leading actress!?!
So we get yet another bandage (expect this one was free) and head home. (Although while I was still in Walmart, I did think to myself that if I got in a car accident on the way home, it would have been the most classic ending to my night. Creepy I know, but that's the way my brain thinks.)
When I laid down for bed I realized I forgot to get bandaids and then I dozed off to sleep...I don't think I have ever had a better nights rest in my life.
This morning I woke up cool and collected and to be honest not worried at all about anything, except just a little bothered that there is a dead rodent in my freezer and I really don't want it there.
Now that we are past the worst, here is how the next 2 minutes go in conversation with Bubba...
B: Oh I forgot to tell you, a Social worker came by our house yesterday.
B: A Social Worker. They just wanted to make sure we were fit parents.
C: Haha, yeah right! Funny!
B: No really!
C: What?
B: Apparently, we forgot to tell them that we enrolled Bliss in Oakhill instead of Van Buren Public School.
C: So what did you tell them?
B: I told them that she had been going to Van Buren since school started.
C: LOL...what did she say. Did she find your joke comical?
B: Nope, she just said she was going to call Oakhill and make sure Bliss was enrolled there. Like I would lie about that.
C: Oh my goodness!
So there you have it my Crazy yesterday...almost...we took the rodent by the Dept of Natural Resources and they are only open a few hours on Mondays and Wednesdays...they were closed by the time we got there.
I have to keep that thing in my freezer for two more days! UGH!
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